SOAR is an easy to use acronym created to help you cultivate the skill of Mindful Somatic Awareness.
SOAR stands for Sense, Observe, Articulate, Reflect. By sensing your body, observing what you sense, articulating what you observe, and reflecting on what you observe, you can integrate your mind and body thereby giving you access to the information needed to guide your healing of the deep emotional wounds at the root of your fear and anxiety.
The beautiful thing about SOAR is how varied its use can be. If used during heightened emotion states, such as stress and anxiety, it can swiftly bring your mind-body back into a state of calm. However, when used during meditative practice, when you are already in a place of relative calm, it can facilitate connection to more nuanced information about the emotional wounds at the core of your anxiety so you can move toward resolving the fear that resides there.
The backdrop of SOAR is the integration of your mind and body—you turn first to your body for information and then use your logic and reason to help you understand that information. Through sensing and observing, you connect to the intuitive felt sense awareness of your somatic self. And through articulation and reflection, you engage the more logical abilities of the mind. Through this process, SOAR weaves together the different ways of knowing and experiencing yourself and the world around you, allowing you to engage the present moment in an embodied and purpose-driven way.